September 9th, 2016

This will be the final weekly report as the 2016 HRW wheat harvest is complete in every state and final samples will be in transit to the lab. An overall final report will be issued in mid-October that will summarize quality data in terms of the 2016 crop’s relationship to the 2015 crop, 5-year averages, grade, non-grade, mill, dough and bake comparisons including a breakdown by export tributary (Gulf and Pacific Northwest).

A total of 483 of 500 (adjusted down from 530) are in various stages of testing with final samples expected in the lab over the next week. North Dakota has had a significant reduction in HRW acres over the last 2 years so samples have been scaled accordingly. Changes in overall average testing data this week include moisture (down 0.3% to 11.0%), a significant TKW increase of 0.5 grams to 31.9 grams this week as compared to an overall average in 2015 of 29.3 grams and the 5-year average of 28.4 grams. There was a slight increase in FN from 391 seconds last week to 392 seconds this week and comparable to the overall average of 400 seconds in 2015. Wheat protein remains unchanged this week at 11.2%.

Gulf Tributary dough and bake testing (now 93% complete) indicates an average farinograph peak time of 4.1 minutes compared to 4.8 minutes in 2015 and a 5-year average of 5.6 minutes. Average farinograph stability time is 6.5 minutes compared to 6.6 minutes in 2015 and a 5-year average of 10.9 minutes. Overall Gulf Tributary loaf volume average is 802cc as compared to 876cc in 2015 and a 5-year average of 844cc. Overall Gulf Tributary flour yield average is 77.0% and is significantly above the 74.1% in 2015 and the 5-year average of 73.8%.

Click link to download a PDF of the Harvest Summary – September-9-2016

Harvest Summary
Tst Exp MST Pro% DKG TKW FN Grade Test Weight FM DMG S&B DEF
483 500 11.0 11.2 0.6 31.9 392 1HRW 60.7 79.8 0.2 0.2 0.8 1.2
FINAL 2015
499 Final 11.1 12.3 0.7 29.8 400 2HRW 59.3 78.0 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.7