6/3/2021: The Texas HRW wheat crop is now 23% harvested, those acres are predominately in southern half of the state. Harvested acres remain behind 2020 and the 5-year average for this date with progress moving very slowly as rain, heavy overcast skies, below normal temperatures, and high humidity are providing a significant impediment to harvesting a largely mature crop. As noted in last week’s report, signs of freeze damage continue to be observed in both Texas and Oklahoma.
Oklahoma, while doing some “test cutting” on the Oklahoma/Texas border, is also experiencing problems getting harvest started due to the same types of weather issues. Both states are concerned about potential quality issues if current conditions continue much longer. Early yield reports have been generally average to above average (40 bu/ac to 60 bu/ac…2.7 tons/ha to 4.0 tons/ha) with “early” test weight reports averaging 61lbs/bu (80.2 kg/hl). The map below (page 3) indicates the moisture that continues to fall over areas of already mature wheat in Texas and Oklahoma.