5/28/2021: Winter wheat harvest (for grain) in Texas now stands at 12% (mostly in the coastal area), that is down from 24% harvested in 2020 at this time and 3% down from the 5-year average (15%) for this date. Signs of freeze damage continue to be observed in Texas and in Oklahoma where harvest has yet to begin (typically starting the last week of May). Harvest in both states is mostly on hold due to excessive moisture and rain remains in the forecast over the next 7 days for large areas of Texas and Oklahoma fueling potential quality concerns. Areas of central Texas into southern Oklahoma are generally a week to 10 days behind “normal” harvest start dates now due to cool cloudy days and below normal temperatures over the last few weeks. This has been conducive for kernel development and keeping rust (stripe and leaf) inoculum at bay and off the flag leaf via frequent rain showers along with timely fungicide treatments by wheat producers. However, the inoculum is still in the crop canopy lower leaves and will continue to be a concern as much warmer and drier days return being conducive for rapid development of disease.