Plains Grains Final Report 2020
OVERVIEW: The 2020 hard red winter (HRW) wheat crop was unique in several respects. This crop does hold value for about every customer. Overall, the crop had very few insect or disease […]Read More
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OVERVIEW: The 2020 hard red winter (HRW) wheat crop was unique in several respects. This crop does hold value for about every customer. Overall, the crop had very few insect or disease […]Read More
This is the last 2020 HRW wheat harvest summary, there will be a final data summary report issued by mid-October. That report will include weighted data (for production and protein breakouts), in […]Read More
The 2020 HRW wheat harvest has now wrapped up in virtually every state as preparations begin for the 2021 crop being planted. The Washington State Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection labs (Spokane, […]Read More
The remaining states in the Pacific Northwest still harvesting HRW should finish up over the weekend or early next week. Idaho and Washington are at or just above 90% complete while Oregon […]Read More
If harvest weather holds across the Pacific Northwest for the next 5 to 7 days, the 2020 HRW wheat harvest will be completed. All remaining states still harvesting are over 70% compete […]Read More
The 2020 HRW wheat harvest is starting to wind down quickly. Projections are (assuming continued favorable harvest weather) Montana and the Pacific Northwest will complete the 2020 HRW wheat harvest next week. […]Read More
Montana and the Pacific Northwest continues to roll with the 2020 HRW wheat harvest. Other states to the south are either complete with harvest or are within 3 percentage points of being […]Read More
The 2020 HRW wheat harvest continues to move at a rapid pace through the northern and northwestern section of the US. South Dakota is now 78% complete with harvest and is now […]Read More
HRW wheat harvest continued at a rapid pace this week in the central US and is starting to wind down in most areas south of South Dakota which is now 51% complete. […]Read More
The 2020 HRW wheat harvest continued to roll this week as Kansas is now 99% complete with harvest. Cutting was halted late in the week in Nebraska as showers moved across western […]Read More