News & Articles

July 8, 2011

The Kansas 2011 HRW wheat harvest is now 94% complete with only areas of Northwest Kansas yet to be harvested. Progress has been slow this week due to several rain showers moving […]Read More

July 1, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest continues to roll in Kansas with cutting now an estimated 70% complete. Northwest Kansas is just getting started, but is experiencing triple digit temperatures which will push […]Read More

June 24, 2011

Harvesting of the 2011 HRW was slowed this week by cool wet weather and green wheat. Some losses were reported during the past week from severe storms dumping hail in parts of […]Read More

June 17, 2011

Harvesting of the 2011 HRW wheat crop is now approaching the Nebraska border and is about to slow its northward progress dramatically. Over the last couple of months the crop south of […]Read More

June 10, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest took a giant leap north over the last week with test cutting now going on just south of I-70 in central Kansas. Oklahoma took the biggest jump […]Read More

June 3, 2011

HRW wheat harvest has now reached the southern border of Kansas. Combines moved into Barber and Harper counties on Wednesday doing limited amounts of cutting with no reports of yields or quality. […]Read More

May 27, 2011

HRW Wheat harvest continues to develop at a very slow pace in the Southern Great Plains states of Texas and Oklahoma with very little increase in the total percent of acres harvested […]Read More

May 20, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest in north Texas and southwest Oklahoma grinds on after isolated scattered showers and moderating temperatures slowed cutting over the area last weekend. However, moderating temperatures are positive […]Read More

May 13, 2011

While the 2011 HRW wheat harvest began in the coastal regions of Texas some 3 weeks ago it reached the Blacklands/Hill Country (south of Dallas) early last week moving to the Texas/Oklahoma […]Read More

Final October 15, 2010

The 2010 HRW wheat harvest and evaluation of samples is complete. The 2010 hard red winter (HRW) wheat crop began with generally favorable planting conditions in all regions. All states had good […]Read More