News & Articles

September 16, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest is complete in virtually all areas. We expect to receive another 5 samples in the lab on Friday to complete sample collection. Overall protein average is still 12.4% and overall average moisture remains below 11%. These numbers held even with another 49 samples tested this week out of the northern US where too much moisture plagued the crop in that area throughout most of the growing season.

September 9, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest is all but done. Samples are either in the lab or being processed and/or are in transit. Overall protein is still 12.4% and overall average moisture remains below 11%. Once harvest moved past central Kansas yields have been generally good to very good with most producers pleasantly surprised with the quantity of the crop.

September 2, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest is quickly winding down in all states with the only area of significant acres yet to be cut being in Washington. While they are 85% complete, morning dew and cooler temperatures continue to slow progress. Proteins are still ranging from 9.5% to over 13.0%, with a PNW average of 10.5% so far as reported by the Wheat Marketing Center. As reported last week, a survey of handlers indicates HRW protein levels seem to be rising as harvest progresses with several reporting 11.5% to 12.0% plus protein. Test weights continue to be very good, averaging 62 lb/bu and higher with falling numbers in the 330 (sec) range. Yields continue to be exceptional and well above average for most growers.

August 26, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest continues to roll in Washington with just over 60% of the crop now cut. Cooler temperatures in the spring (slowing plant development) has resulted in cutting now […]Read More

August 19, 2011

Wet fields in North Dakota continue to delay HRW wheat harvest. Yields in North Dakota have been extremely variable ranging from 30 bushels per acre to over 80 bushels per acre with […]Read More

August 12, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest is all but complete south of Montana with kernel characteristics improving and as harvest moved northward. Montana is now 35% complete (well behind the 5-year average of […]Read More

August 5, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest is quickly winding down in almost all areas of the Central Great Plains except Wyoming (Wyoming remains well behind the 5- year average) with still only 65% […]Read More

July 29, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest took a big leap forward in Colorado, Nebraska and especially South Dakota this past week with drier weather and triple digit temperatures. Colorado is winding down quickly […]Read More

July 22, 2011

The focus of the 2011 HRW wheat harvest is now in northeast Colorado (north of I-70), Nebraska and eastern Wyoming. These areas were generally 7 to 10 days behind normal harvest dates […]Read More

July 15, 2011

The 2011 HRW wheat harvest made very little progress this week as rain continued to plague northwest Kansas, northeast Colorado and almost all of Nebraska. Most areas received between one and two […]Read More