News & Articles

September 20th, 2013

The 2013 HRW wheat harvest is now complete with the final samples in the lab for testing and evaluation (534 of an expected 500). Overall the 2013 HRW harvest can be characterized […]Read More

September 13th, 2013

The 2013 HRW harvest is now complete in all production areas.  Delivery of the final 30 samples to the lab (now an expected total overall 510 samples) will be by Monday, September […]Read More

September 6th, 2013

The 2013 HRW harvest is now essentially complete in all production areas.  North Dakota (99% harvested) is rapidly finishing up. With 476 samples of the expected 500 total samples now in the […]Read More

August 30th, 2013

The 2013 HRW harvest is rapidly winding down in all production areas.  North Dakota (83% harvested) is the only state left with less than 95% of the crop remaining to be cut. […]Read More

August 23rd, 2013

Montana continues to have unsettled weather which is slowing what is left of the HRW harvest.  Hail has been prevalent with these storms and east central Montana has had significant additional losses […]Read More

August 16th, 2013

Montana HRW harvest is progressing rapidly with the exception of the north central and northeastern areas where wheat is not yet mature. Much fewer acres of HRW were planted last fall in […]Read More

August 9, 2013

All states south of Nebraska are now complete with the 2013 HRW wheat harvest, Nebraska is now at 98% complete with the remaining 2% to be harvested being in the far northwest […]Read More

August 2, 2013

The 2013 HRW harvest is now winding down in northeast Colorado and western Nebraska while cutting is just now getting into full swing in South Dakota. All areas now cutting were slowed […]Read More

July 26th, 2013

Harvest of the 2013 HRW crop is now complete in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Harvest is also winding down quickly in Colorado (86% complete) and Nebraska (65% complete) with the major areas […]Read More

July 19th, 2013

Harvest of the 2013 HRW crop is all but complete in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas with less than 1% yet to be harvested in those states. However, wide spread precipitation over the […]Read More