This is the last 2020 HRW wheat harvest summary, there will be a final data summary report issued by mid-October. That report will include weighted data (for production and protein breakouts), in most years this results in small changes in final numbers over current simple composite averages. The Washington Grain Commission sponsors a protein survey that also determines wheat grades on samples (now 1,611) collected by the Washington State Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection labs (Spokane, Colfax and Pasco) with no change in data since last week; 11.7% average protein, 8.7% moisture and an average test weight of 62.1 lb/bu (81.7 kg/hl).
421 individual samples are now in various stages of testing and final samples arriving early next week. Overall, there were very slight changes this week: 61.7 lb/bu (81.1kg/hl); which is slightly above last year average; kernel sizing L 62%; M 36%; S 2%; TKW average is 31.3 g; 2.60 mm kernel diameter (matching the Wheat Quality Council target); average kernel hardness is 67; protein average 11.9 % ; falling number average 367 seconds. Preliminary bake data from Texas through South Dakota indicates an averaged loaf volume across all composites of 867 cc; the Wheat Quality Council target is >850 cc; Farinograph stability over those same composites averaged 10.5 minutes with flour protein averaging 11.0%. The quality target is 11% flour protein and 12% wheat protein in terms of expecting good loaf volume and end use functionality. Bake absorptions have not dropped below 60% with all samples having been between 60%-67% absorption. Although this crop is on the lower end of protein in terms of volume desired, the protein quality is still present and resulting in exceptionally good water absorption and will deliver end-product quality. Milling will be completed by the end of next week. NOTE: Sample averages are simple averages not weighted for production.