July 20th, 2012

South Dakota and Wyoming are now winding down the 2012 HRW harvest and with the exception of some irrigated acres will wrap up early next week. Both states are still averaging over 61.5 pounds per bushel and both are averaging well over 12% protein. South Dakota is averaging over 2.7 mm kernel size and over 32 grams thousand kernel weight.

Montana started HRW harvest this week in the northeast, southeast and southern parts of the state. Very early reports show very good test weights, averaging 61.5 pounds per bushel, 40-45 bushel per acre yields and an average of 11.5% protein with a range of 9% – 13%.

With a large portion of the mill, dough and bake testing done on the Texas and Oklahoma samples we are now getting a better picture of the effect early development and highly variable protein as it relates to functionality. While average protein in the two states was relatively high (12.5%) there were also wide ranges in protein (9% – 17%) being reported by individual elevators as wheat was being delivered. The extreme stresses the crop endured in these two states is revealed by the initial data indicating low P values, L values and W values (indicative of weak dough strength). Poor farinograph dough stability also supports this view. This magnifies the importance of testing results from other Gulf tributary states.

Harvest Summary
Tst Exp MST Pro% DKG TKW FN Grade Test Weight FM DMG S&B DEF
394 530 10.9 12.2 .48 28.2 409 1HRW 61.0 80.2 0.1 0.1 1.3 1.5
FINAL 2011                        
477  Final 10.6  12.4  .48  30.1  400  1HRW 60.8  79.9  0.2  0.2  1.2  1.6

Download a PDF of the Harvest Summary of HRW July 20, 2012